Craig's ADHD Story

Isabella's ADHD Story
I was diagnosed after my eldest daughter was diagnosed with ADHD. My youngest daughter was diagnosed before us with autism. I noticed that I was a lot like both of my kids which led me to realize that I must be neurodivergent too.
I have an inattentive presentation of ADHD. The struggles I have faced with ADHD have impacted my employment, career, and motherhood. Masking and people-pleasing were huge challenges that took a lot out of me. Procrastination and distraction created ongoing turmoil in my career. While I have maintained a position in teaching over the years, I have also moved from vocation to vocation as I constantly looked for new and interesting things. I started out with a burning passion for hospitality, I have studied tourism, and later on, I spent time in sales. On top of that, I was on a constant search for my next dopamine rush, moving to yet another continent and learning foreign languages.
I dealt with all of this, meanwhile facing the challenges of being a busy single mother and living with the comorbidities that come from my ADHD. Though I have always been told that I am very bright, I stood out for being disorganized and distracted. I got tired of hearing I should "just try harder" and decided to work with my ADHD and not against it.
I came to coaching while searching for a coach for my daughter. I wanted someone she could relate to and talk to openly, someone that would not judge her and would understand her needs and struggles. I wanted to provide her with the tools I had not been provided in my own childhood. This search lead me to the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA), the school that had wonderful reviews and that all the coaches I liked came from. At that precise moment, I decided to be a coach, to help not just my daughter but all of the people that needed help with ADHD.
Having now studied coaching through ADDCA, I realize how many people are alone with their struggles and how long the waiting lists for a good coach are.
#SingleMom #German #Spanish #Polish #Business #Autism
I am in Panama City. I can help. I am: $65/hour video call | $100/hour in-person

Belle's ADHD Story

ADHD Coach Academy (ADDCA)
The ADHD Company uses tools, methods and models created by ADDCA.
The ADDCA Coaching Foundational Principles represent our ways of perceiving and being when we are coaching. Each Foundational Principle expresses a basic understanding about what it is to be human. They are as follows:- Every individual is uniquely wired and has divine talents and strengths.
- While we all have some things in common, great strengths can be found in unique differences.
- People are naturally curious and want to contribute; persons with ADHD sense their potential and fear never reaching it.
- Every person perceives life through his/her own special lens – beliefs, culture, assumptions, culture, mental models, stories – whether they realize it or not, and that influences their choices and actions.
- Individuals seek to understand (find meaning) and make sense of their world and be part of conversations where they are heard.
- When we pay attention to what we’re paying attention to, we can take action, learn, create, and uncover experiences of success which build a confident personal foundation. (Neurons that fire together, wire together.)
- People crave and grow from connection with self, others, and their world, though persons with ADHD may not enjoy connection to self.
- People seek integration for a meaningful life.
- True freedom comes with the ability to pause and be consciously present and able to act on our choices.
ADDCA provides training that can be very valuable to every day living of the ADHDer and understanding those close to us who have ADHD. More information on ADDCA programs can be found at: