ADHD and Justice Sensitivity

Do you ever feel like the world is against you? That no matter what you do, you can't catch a break? If so, you may be suffering from justice sensitivity.
Justice sensitivity is a common trait among people with ADHD. It's characterized by a strong sense of fairness and a deep need for justice. If you have justice sensitivity, you may feel like you're constantly being put upon or treated unfairly.
There are a few reasons why people with ADHD are more likely to have justice sensitivity. First, ADHD can make it difficult to meet expectations. You may feel like you're always falling short, no matter how hard you try. Second, people with ADHD are often highly sensitive to criticism. Even constructive criticism can feel like a personal attack.
If you have justice sensitivity, there are a few things you can do to manage it.
First, try to be understanding with yourself. Remember that you're doing the best you can, and that's all anyone can ask. Second, don't be afraid to speak up for yourself. If you feel like you're being treated unfairly, stand up for yourself and let your voice be heard. Finally, try to find a supportive community. There are likely others out there who understand what you're going through.
If you're struggling with justice sensitivity, know that you're not alone. There are ways to manage it and still live a happy, fulfilling life.
What is Justice Sensitivity?
Justice sensitivity is the term used to describe an individual's heightened awareness of, and concern for, issues of fairness and justice. This can manifest itself in a number of ways, such as a strong sense of moral indignation at perceived injustice, a deep commitment to social justice issues, or a keen interest in legal affairs.
People with justice sensitivity tend to be highly principled and have a strong sense of fairness. They are often deeply concerned with issues of inequality and social injustice, and may feel a need to fight for the rights of others. They may also have a keen interest in law and order, and may be drawn to careers in the legal system or law enforcement.
Justice sensitivity is not the same as empathy, although people who are justice sensitive may also be highly empathic. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person, while justice sensitivity is more focused on issues of fairness and equity. However, the two concepts are closely related, as people who are sensitive to issues of justice are often highly aware of the suffering of others and motivated by a desire to alleviate it.
There is currently no diagnostic criteria for justice sensitivity, but it is thought to be a relatively rare personality trait. People with justice sensitivity often face challenges in life due to their high standards and idealistic nature. They may find it difficult to compromise on issues they feel strongly about, which can lead to conflict with others. They may also struggle to cope with situations where they witness or experience injustice firsthand.
If you think you might be justice sensitive, there is no need to worry. This trait can be both a strength and a liability, depending on how it is expressed. People with strong justice sensitivities can make excellent activists, lawyers, or police officers. However, they may also find themselves constantly at odds with the world around them if they are unable to find ways to channel their ideals into constructive action.
Why do People with ADHD have Justice Sensitivity
There are many different symptoms of ADHD, and one of the less well-known but potentially more debilitating ones is justice sensitivity. People with ADHD often have a heightened sense of justice, and feel very passionately about issues of fairness and equality. This can make them extremely sensitive to any perceived injustice, real or imagined.
This sensitivity can manifest itself in a number of ways. For example, people with ADHD may become excessively angry or upset if they feel they have been treated unfairly. They may also become fixated on certain issues or problems, obsessively trying to right what they see as a wrong. In extreme cases, this fixation can lead to social withdrawal and isolation.
There are several possible explanations for why people with ADHD might have such sensitivities. One theory is that it stems from an overactive sense of morality. People with ADHD often have very strong moral convictions, and feel a strong need to uphold them. This can make them very quick to judge others who they perceive as behaving unfairly or unjustly.
Another explanation is that justice sensitivity is simply a manifestation of the impulsivity and hyperactivity that are characteristic of ADHD. When combined with strong emotions, these traits can lead to impulsive outbursts or actions in response to perceived injustices.
Whatever the cause, justice sensitivity can be a significant problem for people with ADHD. It can cause them immense stress and anxiety, and lead to social isolation and conflict. If you think you might be suffering from this symptom, it is important to seek professional help so that you can learn how to manage it effectively.

What I Can Do About ADHD and Justice Sensitivity
There are several things that people with ADHD and justice sensitivity can do to manage their condition.
First, it is important to be aware of your triggers and avoid situations that are likely to lead to conflict or upset. If you know that you tend to get worked up about certain topics, try to avoid discussions about them if possible. It is also important to learn how to effectively communicate your needs and boundaries to others. This can help prevent misunderstandings and conflict. Finally, it is important to find healthy outlets for your energy and emotions, such as exercise or creative pursuits.
By taking these steps, you can help manage your ADHD and justice sensitivity and reduce the negative impact it has on your life.