Kamala's ADHD Story

"I was diagnosed (not officially) at the same time as my youngest son. As we concluded an exhausting assessment with my son's pediatric psychiatrist, she turned to me and my partner and asked, 'So, which one of you has ADHD?' Timidly, I replied, 'I think it's me.' She confirmed, 'Yes, it's definitely you!' To which I responded, 'Gee, thanks.' Then, she said the single most important thing I've heard on my journey: 'No, it's good. I have ADHD, and as long as you manage it, you'll be fine. AND if you want to help your kids, help yourself first.'
It felt as though the world stopped and all the puzzle pieces of my disordered life fell into place. Suddenly, I had an answer, and it wasn't that I was lazy, crazy, or stupid. I just had a different brain. It all made sense, to the point where it was so obvious that I now feel a bit embarrassed about it. I proceeded to read anything I could get my hands on. I went on a journey that included being mad at the world and sadness for all the things that could have been, had I known. I'd spent a lifetime as a misunderstood, underemployed, and disorganized woman. I moved from job to job until I had a child and then four more. I was the hot mess mom (and not in the cute way). I forgot to hand in field trip forms, pick kids up from school, and the five o'clock dinner hour was a nightmare. Adulting was causing me serious anxiety. My marriage suffered. My emotional regulation was wreaking havoc on our family and being met with the same from my children.
I get ADHD. I know what it feels like to not be able to find my keys, upset friends and family because I showed up late or forgot completely, and put off doing school assignments and work projects until the last minute. I know the feeling of not quite fitting in and wondering what is wrong with me and questioning why it is so easy for everybody else. Whether you are an individual looking for more order and calm, a student looking to start getting the grades you are capable of, the couple who wants to communicate better, or the exhausted parent worried every time you get a call from the school, I've got you. Better yet, I can facilitate the kind of change where you've got you. I work from a strength-based model to help you figure out your ADHD brain and how to make it work for you.
My process includes determining your strengths, values, and goals and aiding you in building a life you want. One that allows you to be all that you are meant to be. We'll work through barriers and self-limiting beliefs (don't worry, I'll be right by your side). We'll tackle procrastination and perfectionism to generate a workable plan so you can get from where you are today to where you want to be. I'll be your coach, cheerleader, accountability partner, and tough love girl as you take one baby step after another to move towards the life of your dreams. I combine my lived experience as a late-diagnosed ADHD woman and mother of several ADHD kids (launched to elementary school) with my advanced ADDCA training to provide you with a robust and transformational coaching experience. I coach teens, college students, adults, and couples with ADHD. Psst. The first step is the hardest, but you can do this."
#latediagnosis #parent #kids #teens #couples
I am in Edmonton. I can help. I am: $150/hour - video call | $190/hour - in person