Kelly's ADHD Story

Welcome to the ADHD Company! I’m so glad you found us and pray that you find the coach you need to best support you on your journey to self-discovery and healing.
My name is Kelly, and I was diagnosed with combined (Inattentive and Hyperactive) about five years ago, and this year also learned that I am on the spectrum. I’m a high functioning aspie. 😊
To share a bit of my story, I think I always knew I was “different”. As a kid it hurt to get left out of friend groups, and to be the last one picked for a team in gym class. I was a hyperactive kid that often was sent to the principal or put in detention for talking during class, not staying in my seat or getting into things I wasn’t supposed to.
Things didn’t get any better as the years went on. I hate small talk, and often would overshare and that led to others feeling uncomfortable. I was told my emotions were “too much” or I was too “intense”. There is a term in the neurodiversity world termed masking, and I learned to do this at a very young age just to stay under the radar.
My diagnosis came as I was taking a class at a nearby university, and asked for an accommodation, as my grade was falling fast. I was referred to the school psychologist who granted the accommodation, and added as I was getting up to leave “Oh, and by the way, you also have ADHD”. Lightbulb moment. My autism surfaced this year and was discovered along with my counselor, as I was trying to figure out why I can’t maintain friendships, or why others look at me like I have three heads when I can’t vary from certain routines. But what I’ve taken away from these discoveries is that I’m not “broken” nor was I bullied or made fun of because there is anything inherently wrong with me. I just am socially inept, and don’t get all the social rules. That’s okay.
Today, my desire is to keep learning about neurodiversity, and become the best advocate I can for others as they learn to navigate their own journey. After my initial diagnosis, I knew I needed support and sought out an ADHD coach. It was one of the best decisions I made. After some time, I then enrolled at ADDCA (The ADD Coaching Academy) and earned my AACC Coaching certification. I am still learning and growing but am so excited to see where my path leads in the coming years. I am an ADHD coach with the ADHD Company, and also work full-time for a non-profit organization in Human Resources. I live in Florida, and some of my favorite things are raising chickens (I have about 40 😊), beekeeping, cooking, running and enjoying a good cup of tea.
Looking forward to meeting you and learning more about you!
Coach Kelly
#Dyscalculia #HR #CombinedADHD #Faith